At what frequency would a 0•5H inductor have a reactance of 1000 ohms

The reactance of an inductor is given by the formula Xl = 2pi*f*L, where Xl is the reactance in ohms, f is the frequency in hertz, and L is the inductance in henries.

In this case, we have Xl = 1000 ohms and L = 0.5 H.

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

1000 = 2pi*f*0.5

Simplifying the equation, we have:

f = 1000 / (2pi*0.5)

f = 1000 / pi

Therefore, the frequency at which a 0.5H inductor would have a reactance of 1000 ohms is approximately 318.31 Hz (rounded to two decimal places).

The reactance of an inductor is given by the formula Xl = 2πfL, where Xl is the reactance, f is the frequency, and L is the inductance.

In this case, we have Xl = 1000 ohms and L = 0.5 H. Plugging these values into the formula, we can solve for the frequency f.

1000 = 2πf(0.5)

Dividing both sides of the equation by 0.5, we get:

2000 = 2πf

Dividing both sides of the equation by 2π, we have:

f = 2000 / (2π)

Using a calculator, we can determine the value:

f ≈ 318.3 Hz

Therefore, a 0.5H inductor would have a reactance of 1000 ohms at a frequency of approximately 318.3 Hz.