Which set of numbers are equivalent?

A 50%, 0.5, 10/20
50%, 0.5, 10 20
B 65%, 0.65, 65/1000
65%, 0.65, 65 1000
C 70%, 0.7, 7/100
70%, 0.7, 7 100
D 95%, 0.95, 95/1000

Set C: 70%, 0.7, 7/100


u were wrong

I apologize for the mistake. The correct answer is:

Set D: 95%, 0.95, 95/100.

it's A

I apologize for the confusion. You are correct, the correct answer is:

Set A: 50%, 0.5, 10/20.

Martin was given 10 math problems, and he has answered 7 of them. What percent of the problems does Martin have left to do?

A 3%3%
B 7%7%
C 30%30%
D 70%

explain how u got ur answer

To find the percentage of problems that Martin has left to do, we need to calculate the percentage of problems he has already done and subtract it from 100%.

Martin has answered 7 out of 10 problems, so the percentage of problems he has already done is (7/10) * 100 = 70%.

To find the percentage of problems he has left to do, we subtract this percentage from 100%: 100% - 70% = 30%.

So the correct answer is:

C 30%

The part of the wedding cake not eaten by the guests is represented by 0.02. Which fraction represents the part of the cake the guests did not eat?

A 1/50
1 50
B 1/5
1 5
C 2/1000
2 1000
D 2/10

To find the fraction that represents the part of the cake the guests did not eat, we need to convert the decimal 0.02 to a fraction.

0.02 can be written as 2/100, since the decimal point is two places to the right of the number 2.

To simplify the fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 2.

When we divide 2/100 by 2, we get 1/50.

So the correct answer is:

A 1/50