In one to two sentences, define open opportunity, consumer sovereignty, and voluntary exchange, and explain how they contribute to the availability of different goods in the marketplace in the U.S. free enterprise system.

Open opportunity refers to the idea that anyone can enter the market and compete freely, leading to a diverse range of goods. Consumer sovereignty refers to the power consumers have to determine which goods are produced, which encourages competition and variety. Voluntary exchange allows individuals to freely trade goods and services, leading to a wide array of products being available in the marketplace in the U.S. free enterprise system.

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Open opportunity refers to the idea that individuals should have equal and fair chances to pursue economic endeavors, allowing for competition and innovation. Consumer sovereignty means that consumers have the power to determine the types of goods and services produced through their purchasing decisions. Voluntary exchange refers to the ability of individuals to freely exchange goods and services based on mutually acceptable terms. These concepts contribute to the availability of different goods in the marketplace by fostering competition amongst producers, encouraging innovation, and allowing consumers to choose from a variety of products and services based on their preferences and needs.

Open opportunity refers to the idea that anyone can participate in economic activities and pursue entrepreneurship without facing unnecessary barriers. Consumer sovereignty means that consumers have the power to determine what goods and services are produced through their buying choices. Voluntary exchange is the act of individuals freely trading goods and services with each other, based on mutual consent. These three concepts in the U.S. free enterprise system promote competition, innovation, and diversity in the marketplace, allowing for a wider range of goods and services to be available to consumers.