Jasmine is having friends over to watch a football game. She has 2

hours until her guests arrive. She spends
of that time cleaning and the rest of the time preparing snacks. How much time does Jasmine spend preparing snacks?

Jasmine spends 2 hours - 2/5 * 2 hours = <<2-2/5*2=0.8>>0.8 hours preparing snacks. Answer: \boxed{0.8}.

To find out how much time Jasmine spends preparing snacks, we need to subtract the time she spends cleaning from the total time she has until her guests arrive:

Total time - Cleaning time = Snack preparation time

Given that Jasmine has 2 hours until her guests arrive and spends 25% of that time cleaning, we can calculate the cleaning time as:

25% of 2 hours = (25/100) * 2 = 0.25 * 2 = 0.5 hours

Now, we can subtract the cleaning time from the total time to get the snack preparation time:

Total time - Cleaning time = Snack preparation time
2 hours - 0.5 hours = 1.5 hours

Therefore, Jasmine spends 1.5 hours preparing snacks.