
24 - (-15) = 24 + 15 = <<24-(-15)=39>>39

17 4/9 + 5/9 - 8 - 10

To subtract an integer from another integer, you can follow the steps below to find the difference between 24 and -15:

1. Start by ignoring the negative sign of -15.
2. Subtract the two positive numbers: 24 - 15 = 9.
3. Since there was a negative sign before 15, the answer will also be negative.
4. Therefore, the final answer is -9.

So, 24 - (-15) = -9.

To calculate the expression 24 - (-15), follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the double negative

First, since we have a double negative (-(-15)), we can simplify it by changing the sign. A negative sign in front of a negative number becomes a positive number. So, -(-15) is equal to 15.

Step 2: Perform the subtraction

Now, we can perform the subtraction:

24 - 15 = 9

Therefore, 24 - (-15) is equal to 9.