-18.26- -2.45

The result of -18.26 minus -2.45 is -15.81.

To subtract -2.45 from -18.26, follow these steps:

Step 1: Change the subtraction sign to addition.

Adding the opposite of a number is the same as subtracting it. So, rewriting the expression, we have -18.26 + 2.45.

Step 2: Line up the decimal places.

To make the addition easier, line up the decimal places by adding zeros as needed. In this case, the numbers already have the same number of decimal places, so no additional zeros are needed.

+ 2.45

Step 3: Perform the addition.

Starting from the rightmost column (the hundredths column), add the digits together.

+ 2.45

Step 4: Determine the sign.

Since the original expression had a minus sign between the two numbers, the answer will be negative. Therefore, the result is -15.81.

So, -18.26 - (-2.45) = -15.81.