Which of the following may call for negative numbers page numbers of a book street address length of time temperature measurements

The length of time and temperature measurements may call for negative numbers.

For example, if we are measuring temperature below zero degrees Celsius, negative numbers would be used (e.g., -5°C). Similarly, when discussing negative temperatures in Kelvin, negative numbers would also be utilized.

Regarding the length of time, negative numbers can be used to represent time intervals before a reference point or zero time. For instance, if we want to measure time intervals before a specific event (e.g., BC years), negative numbers would be used (e.g., -500 BC).

Negative numbers may be used in the following scenarios:

1. Page numbers of a book: If a book has multiple sections and subsections, negative numbers can be used to indicate pages in the preface or appendix.
2. Street address: Negative numbers may be used in some countries or regions to denote buildings or addresses located on the opposite side of a street.
3. Length of time: Negative numbers can be used to represent time intervals in the past, such as "minus 2 hours" to indicate an event occurred two hours ago.
4. Temperature measurements: Negative numbers are commonly used to represent temperatures below freezing, such as -10 degrees Celsius.

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