-9 - 27 as a fraction simplified

To simplify the fraction -9/27, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by the greatest common divisor, which is 9.

-9 ÷ 9 = -1
27 ÷ 9 = 3

Therefore, -9/27 can be simplified to -1/3.

11 divided by -4 write as a mixed number

To write 11 divided by -4 as a mixed number, we first need to divide 11 by -4.

11 ÷ -4 = -2 remainder 3

The quotient is -2 and the remainder is 3.

So, 11 divided by -4 can be written as -2 and 3/(-4).

However, it is more common to write mixed numbers with positive denominators. To achieve this, we can adjust the sign in the fraction.

Since the remainder is positive (3), we can rewrite the mixed number as -2 and -3/4.

Therefore, 11 divided by -4 is equal to -2 and -3/4 as a mixed number.

-91 divided by (-13)

To divide -91 by -13, we divide the absolute values and then apply the rule for dividing negative numbers.

|-91| ÷ |-13| = 91 ÷ 13 = 7 remainder 0

Since the two numbers are both negative, the quotient is positive. Therefore, -91 divided by -13 is equal to 7.

91 divided by (-13) divided by 7

To simplify the expression 91 divided by (-13) divided by 7, we need to perform the division operations from left to right.

First, let's evaluate 91 divided by (-13):

91 ÷ (-13) = -7

Now, we can divide this result (-7) by 7:

-7 ÷ 7 = -1

Therefore, 91 divided by (-13) divided by 7 equals -1.

-91 divided by (-13) divided by 7

To simplify the expression -91 divided by (-13) divided by 7, we need to perform the division operations from left to right.

First, let's evaluate -91 divided by (-13):

-91 ÷ (-13) = 7

Now, we can divide this result (7) by 7:

7 ÷ 7 = 1

Therefore, -91 divided by (-13) divided by 7 equals 1.

72 divided by (4) divided by (-6)