How did John Brown’s raid impact the national issue of slavery?

It reduced tensions in the North over the spread of slavery.

It increased tensions about slavery across the United States.

It motivated Americans to find a peaceful solution to the issue.

It motivated northerners to take up arms against slave states.

It increased tensions about slavery across the United States.

The correct answer is: It increased tensions about slavery across the United States.

John Brown’s raid on Harper's Ferry in 1859 heightened tensions regarding slavery in the United States. Brown's violent attempt to incite a slave rebellion and seize weapons from the federal arsenal brought the issue of slavery to the forefront of national debates. His actions were seen as an act of defiance against the institution of slavery, and it intensified the divide between the North and the South. The raid further fueled the fears and anxieties of slave-owning states, who viewed it as a direct threat to their way of life. Ultimately, it contributed to the growing tensions that eventually led to the outbreak of the American Civil War.