scientist wants to drop a bouncy ball from a height of one meter and determine how many times the ball will bounce before coming to rest. Which option below is an example of a hypothesis for this test? (1 point)

o If a bouncy ball is dropped from a height of one meter, then it will bounce
one hundred times before coming to rest.
O the barney balls dropped and data is data wil show that o lf a bouncy ball is dropped, it will bounce one hundred times before
coming to rest.
O ba bretonina lio respped from a height or one wilbounce

one hundred times before coming to rest.

Why are repeated trials necessary when conducting an experiment?

(1 point)
• to make sure that results are consistent
O to let other people help you with the experiment
O to see if other people are interested in the same thing
• to get a variety of different answers

to make sure that results are consistent

The correct option is:

If a bouncy ball is dropped from a height of one meter, then it will bounce one hundred times before coming to rest.