How many 4/3pint servings are in 28/3 pints of milk?

To find out the number of 4/3 pint servings in 28/3 pints of milk, we need to divide the total amount of milk by the size of each serving.

To begin, let's convert 28/3 pints into the same fraction size as 4/3 pint.

Since 4/3 pint is equal to 1.33 or 1 1/3 pint, we need to convert 28/3 pints to the same denominator of 3:

28/3 pints = (28/3) * (3/3) = 28/9 pint

Now, we divide 28/9 pint by 4/3 pint:

(28/9) / (4/3) = (28/9) * (3/4) = 84/36 = 7/3

Therefore, there are 7/3 pint servings in 28/3 pints of milk.

To determine the number of 4/3 pint servings in 28/3 pints of milk, we need to divide the total amount of milk (28/3 pints) by the quantity of milk in each serving (4/3 pints).

So the calculation is: (28/3 pints) / (4/3 pints)

To divide fractions, we multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.

(28/3 pints) * (3/4 pints)

Multiplying the numerators gives us 28 * 3 = 84.

Multiplying the denominators gives us 3 * 4 = 12.

Therefore, the result is 84/12 pints.

To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 12.

Dividing 84 by 12 gives us 7.

Dividing 12 by 12 gives us 1.

So the simplified fraction is 7/1 pints.

Therefore, there are 7 servings of 4/3 pints in 28/3 pints of milk.