Use an example to explain how biotic and abiotic factors interact to create a thriving ecosystem 4 sentances

In a forest ecosystem, biotic factors such as trees, animals, and decomposers interact with abiotic factors like sunlight, soil, and temperature to create a thriving ecosystem. The trees, through photosynthesis, harness sunlight to convert it into energy and also provide shelter to other organisms. The animals, in turn, play a role in dispersing seeds, controlling populations, and aiding in pollination. The decomposers break down organic matter, returning nutrients to the soil for the trees and other plants to use. Overall, the interplay between biotic and abiotic factors ensures a balance in nutrient cycling, energy flow, and species interactions that sustain the forest ecosystem.

In a forest ecosystem, biotic factors such as plants, animals, and microorganisms interact with abiotic factors like sunlight, temperature, and soil composition to create a thriving environment. For example, plants utilize sunlight through photosynthesis to produce food, which fuels the growth and survival of herbivorous animals. These herbivores, in turn, provide food for carnivorous animals, resulting in a balanced food chain. Furthermore, the decomposition of dead organisms by bacteria and fungi enriches the soil with nutrients, supporting the growth of new plants. This interconnectedness between biotic and abiotic factors ensures the sustainability and productivity of the ecosystem.