Bishop ate 12

of a sandwich for lunch, and she ate 23
of what was left after work. How much of the sandwich did Bishop eat after work?(1 point)

1 third

2 thirds

1 over 12


We can solve this problem by using fractions.

Initially, Bishop ate 12 out of the whole sandwich. This can be represented as 12/12.

Then, after work, Bishop ate 23 out of what was left. Since Bishop ate 12 out of 12 initially, there were 12/12 - 12/12 = 0/12 left.

After Bishop ate 23 out of 0/12, the remaining fraction is still 0/12.

Therefore, Bishop did not eat any part of the sandwich after work. The answer is 0/12, which is equivalent to 0.

To find out how much of the sandwich Bishop ate after work, we need to first calculate the fraction of the sandwich that was left after lunch.

Bishop ate 12 parts of a sandwich for lunch, which means there were 12 parts left.

Then, after work, Bishop ate 23 parts of what was left.

We can calculate the remaining fraction as follows:

Total remaining parts = 12 - 23 = -11

Since the result is negative, it means that Bishop ate more parts of the sandwich than what was left. Therefore, it is not possible to determine how much of the sandwich Bishop ate after work based on the given information.