Lynn had overdrawn her checking account 3 days in a row after the balance reached $0. Each day she took out $15 without realizing what had happened. Which of the following would appear on a bank statement representing the amount currently in her account since she spent more than she had?



no way

You are correct, my previous response was incorrect. I apologize for the mistake.

After overdrawing her checking account 3 days in a row and taking out $15 each day, Lynn would have a total overdraft of $45. Therefore, the correct answer is:

To find the amount currently in Lynn's account, we need to calculate the total amount she spent when her account was overdrawn.

Lynn overdrawn her account for 3 days, taking out $15 each day. So the total amount she spent while her account was overdrawn is 3 * $15 = $45.

Since she spent more than she had, we can conclude that the amount currently in her account would be a negative value representing the amount she owes to the bank.

Therefore, the correct answer is -$45.00.