A participle is a type of verb that can function as a (verb, adjective, adverb, noun) or an (verb, adjective, adverb, noun) in a sentence. Participles can be present or past participles. Present participles always end in (-ing, -ion, -ed, -s/-es), and past participles end in (-ing, -ion, -ed, -s/-es) unless they are irregular verbs. help

A participle is a type of verb that can function as an adjective or an adverb in a sentence. Participles can be present or past participles. Present participles always end in -ing, and past participles end in -ed, -en, or irregularly.

A participle is a type of verb that can function as an adjective or adverb in a sentence. Participles can be present or past participles. Present participles always end in -ing, and past participles usually end in -ed or -en, though some irregular verbs have unique past participles. Participles are formed by adding the appropriate ending to the base form of a verb. They can be used to modify nouns or pronouns, indicating the characteristics or qualities of the noun or pronoun they are modifying. They can also be used to create verb phrases, indicating the time, aspect, or condition of the action. Participles are often used in verb tenses such as the present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect.