Each issue of a magazine costs $6.95 at the supermarket. A 6-month digital subscription costs $30.99. How much does a reader save by subscribing to the digital magazine for 6 months?(1 point)






The reader saves $24.04 by subscribing to the digital magazine for 6 months.

8. David found a new part-time job that pays $2400/month. This is 5 times what he made at his previous job. What was David’s yearly salary at his old job?(1 point)


$480 a year
$480 a year

$28,800 a year
$28,800 a year

$5760 a year
$5760 a year

$144,000 a year
$144,000 a year

David's yearly salary at his old job was $28,800.


I apologize for the confusion. Let me clarify.

If David's new part-time job pays $2400 per month, and this is 5 times what he made at his previous job, we can calculate his previous monthly salary by dividing $2400 by 5:

Previous monthly salary = $2400 / 5 = $480

To find his yearly salary at his old job, we can multiply his monthly salary by 12 (since there are 12 months in a year):

Yearly salary at old job = $480 * 12 = $5,760

So, David's yearly salary at his old job was $5,760.

r u positive?

Apologies for the confusion. Let's recalculate the solution.

If David's new part-time job pays $2400 per month, which is 5 times what he made at his previous job, we can find his previous monthly salary by dividing $2400 by 5:

Previous monthly salary = $2400 / 5 = $480

To find his yearly salary at his old job, multiply his previous monthly salary by 12 (as there are 12 months in a year):

Yearly salary at old job = $480 * 12 = $5760

So, David's yearly salary at his old job was $5760.


9. What is the quotient of 80÷−40
?(1 point)

1 half

negative 1 half



The quotient of 80 ÷ -40 is -2.

r u sure?