2.2.6 - Quick Check: Verbs Expressing Mood

Educational Technology And Online Learning 8 Q1 / 2. Microsoft® Word / 2.2. Verbs Expressing Mood

Multiple Choice
Which of the following is an example of subjunctive verb mood?
(1 point)

Going outside in your bare feet could make you cold.

Will you go away?

If I make the baseball team, I will skip around the field.

The bread was old and crusty.

Multiple Choice
Which of the following is an example of indicative verb mood?
(1 point)

If his parents let him, he will come outside to play.

Open the door for the old lady.

I believe you should have a 60's themed birthday party.

We had spaghetti for dinner.

Multiple Choice
How is this text formatted?
(1 point)

italicized text

bold text

underlined text

a change in the font face

Multiple Choice
How is this text formatted?
(1 point)

underlined text

highlighted text

bold text

italicized text

The correct answers to the questions are as follows:

1. Which of the following is an example of subjunctive verb mood?
- "Going outside in your bare feet could make you cold."

2. Which of the following is an example of indicative verb mood?
- "We had spaghetti for dinner."

3. How is this text formatted?
- "a change in the font face"

4. How is this text formatted?
- "italicized text"

a change in the font face

what is the correct answer to all questions

what is the correct answer to all 4 questions

For the first question, the correct answer is: "Going outside in your bare feet could make you cold."

For the second question, the correct answer is: "Open the door for the old lady."

For the third question, the correct answer is: "italicized text."

For the fourth question, the correct answer is: "bold text."

To answer these questions, we need to understand the concepts of verb mood and text formatting.

In the first question, we are asked to identify an example of the subjunctive verb mood. The subjunctive mood is typically used to express hypothetical, doubtful, or contrary-to-fact situations. Let's look at the options:

1. "Going outside in your bare feet could make you cold." - This sentence expresses a possibility or a general statement, but it does not involve the subjunctive mood.

2. "Will you go away?" - This is a question in the indicative mood, not the subjunctive mood.

3. "If I make the baseball team, I will skip around the field." - Here, the sentence includes an "if" clause with a hypothetical condition, making it an example of the subjunctive mood. This is the correct answer.

4. "The bread was old and crusty." - This sentence is in the indicative mood, stating a fact about the bread.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 3: "If I make the baseball team, I will skip around the field."

Moving on to the second question, we are asked to identify an example of the indicative verb mood. The indicative mood is used to state facts or express certainty or reality. Let's examine the options:

1. "If his parents let him, he will come outside to play." - This sentence includes an "if" clause, suggesting a hypothetical situation, making it an example of the subjunctive mood, not the indicative mood.

2. "Open the door for the old lady." - This command or imperative sentence is not in the indicative mood.

3. "I believe you should have a 60's themed birthday party." - This sentence expresses a belief or opinion, but it is still in the indicative mood as it speaks about something that could happen or is a reality.

4. "We had spaghetti for dinner." - This sentence is in the indicative mood, stating a fact about the past.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 4: "We had spaghetti for dinner."

Now let's move on to the text formatting questions. In the third question, we are asked to determine how the text is formatted:

1. Italicized text

2. Bold text

3. Underlined text

4. A change in the font face

To answer this question, we need to visualize the text format. The explanation is not provided, so we need to rely on the context. Since we don't have the context here, we can't determine the answer with certainty. Please review the provided text for any visible formatting cues to identify the correct option.

Finally, in the fourth question about text formatting, we are presented with the following options:

1. Underlined text

2. Highlighted text

3. Bold text

4. Italicized text

Similarly, without the context of the actual text, it is impossible to determine the correct answer. Look for any visible formatting cues in the given text to identify the correct option.

Remember, for questions related to text formatting, it is essential to have access to the text itself to determine the formatting with certainty.