DIG ARTS & DES- T1,Flashcards; Quick test

What is Matthew Brady Most famous for?
a. his documentation of the Civil War
b. requiring his work to be saved in archives
c. the photographs he took during the Great Depression
d. being the first to insist that papers publish images

a. his documentation of the Civil War

How would getting wedding pictures taken today differ from getting them taken in the mid-1800s?

(1 point)

In the 1800s no one was able to get wedding pictures taken.

In the 1800s no one was able to get wedding pictures taken.

Today professional photographers take wedding photographs.

Today professional photographers take wedding photographs.

Today couples have many pictures taken and choose favorites.

Today couples have many pictures taken and choose favorites.

In the 1800s photography was only for when people died, not weddings.

In the 1800s photography was only for when people died, not weddings.

Matthew Brady is most famous for a. his documentation of the Civil War.

To find the answer to this question, you can use various research methods. Here's one way to do it:

1. Start by searching for "Matthew Brady" on a reliable search engine like Google.
2. Look for credible sources such as reputable websites, books, or articles to gather information about Matthew Brady.
3. Read through the information you find and look for any references to his notable achievements or contributions.
4. Cross-reference the information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy.
5. Based on the information you find, determine the most widely recognized achievement or contribution associated with Matthew Brady.

In this case, the answer can be found by referring to the first step and searching for "Matthew Brady." Based on the common knowledge about Matthew Brady, the most famous accomplishment associated with him is:

a. his documentation of the Civil War.

Matthew Brady is renowned for his extensive photography work during the American Civil War, particularly capturing images of soldiers, battlefields, and key historical events. His photographs played a significant role in documenting the war and providing a visual record for future generations.