Use the image to answer the question.

A simple roadmap focuses on the interstate highways connecting Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio, forming a triangle. Dallas-Fort Worth is at the top center of the map. The road leading from Dallas-Fort Worth to Houston in a southeasterly direction is labeled Route 45. The road leading from Houston to San Antonio in a westerly direction is labeled Route 10. The road leading from San Antonio to Dallas-Fort Worth in a northeasterly direction is labeled Route 35. A scale shows 80 miles and 80 kilometers.

Employ your understanding of the use of a graphic map scale to determine the approximate distance between San Antonio and Houston within 10 miles (you may want to use a ruler).

(1 point)

approximately 80 miles
approximately 80 miles

approximately 180 miles
approximately 180 miles

approximately 240 miles
approximately 240 miles

approximately 280 miles

The image shows that the distance between San Antonio and Houston is approximately 240 miles.

To determine the approximate distance between San Antonio and Houston within 10 miles using the graphic map scale, we can use a ruler.

By measuring the distance between San Antonio and Houston on the map, we can find that it is approximately 240 miles.

Therefore, the answer is approximately 240 miles.