Write an equation and solve to find the solution to the following problem.

You have $43 to spend at the mall and a coupon for $5 off at your favorite store. A t-shirt costs $12. How many t-shirts can you buy using your coupon and money?

(1 point)

Let x be the number of t-shirts you can buy.

The cost of x t-shirts without the coupon is 12x.
With the coupon, the cost of x t-shirts is 12x - 5.

We know that the total amount you have to spend is $43.

Therefore, we can write the equation 12x - 5 = 43.

Adding 5 to both sides of the equation, we get 12x = 48.

Dividing both sides by 12, we get x = 4.

You can buy 4 t-shirts using your coupon and money.

of the 4 choices, choose the correct pattern for the following sentence.

Electric cars take several hours to recharge



S-V-N, or S-V-A

explain your choice

The correct pattern for the given sentence "Electric cars take several hours to recharge" is S-V-N.

- S: "Electric cars" is the subject of the sentence, referring to the noun phrase identifying what or whom the sentence is about.
- V: "take" is the verb in the sentence, indicating the action being performed by the subject.
- N: "several hours" is the direct object of the verb "take," denoting the receiver or result of the action.

Therefore, the correct pattern is S-V-N, as the sentence follows the structure of a subject, verb, and direct object.

Let's call the number of t-shirts you can buy "x".

Amount of money you have = $43
Coupon value = $5
Cost of each t-shirt = $12

To find the number of t-shirts you can buy, we need to subtract the value of the coupon from the total amount of money you have and then divide by the cost of each t-shirt:

Equation: (43 - 5) / 12 = x

Now we can solve this equation to find the value of x: