It didn’t seem like it, but we were looking at the clouds in the sky and watching birds for hours.

What is the verb phrase in the sentence?

were looking

An adjectival phrase modifies a noun, and an adverbial phrase modifies a verb.

A set of two or more words that includes a noun and a modifier and modifies a sentence.

After the meeting

Which describes a difference between an adjectival phrase and adverbial phrase?(1 point)


An adjectival phrase modifies a noun, and an adverbial phrase modifies a verb.
An adjectival phrase modifies a noun, and an adverbial phrase modifies a verb.

An adjectival phrase consists of two or more words, while an adverbial phrase is usually only one word that ends in -ly.
An adjectival phrase consists of two or more words, while an adverbial phrase is usually only one word that ends in - ly .

An adjectival phrase modifies a verb, and an adverbial phrase modifies a noun.
An adjectival phrase modifies a verb, and an adverbial phrase modifies a noun.

An adjectival phrase functions like a noun in a sentence, and adverbial phrase functions like a verb in a sentence.

What is an absolute phrase?(1 point)


a set of two or more words that adds detail to a verb and together functions as an adverb
a set of two or more words that adds detail to a verb and together functions as an adverb

a set of two or more words that together functions like a noun
a set of two or more words that together functions like a noun

a set of two or more words that includes a noun and a modifier and modifies a sentence
a set of two or more words that includes a noun and a modifier and modifies a sentence

a set of two or more words that adds detail to a noun and together functions like an adjective

Which is the prepositional phrase in the sentence?

After the meeting there will be time to ask questions.