How can you maintain a formal style? Select the two correct answers.

Use contractions to shorten words.

Include examples of slang.

Use more complex syntax.

Use more advanced vocabulary.

Address readers by using personal pronouns.

Use more complex syntax and use more advanced vocabulary.

To maintain a formal style, you should:

1. Use more complex syntax: Formal writing typically involves using complex sentence structures and avoiding overly simple or repetitive language.

2. Use more advanced vocabulary: Formal writing often requires using words that are more sophisticated and precise, rather than relying on casual or colloquial terms.

Addressing readers by using personal pronouns is not a characteristic of maintaining a formal style. Instead, formal writing tends to avoid personal pronouns like "you" or "I" and instead uses more general language. Contractions should also be avoided in formal writing, as they can make the language more casual. Including examples of slang is not appropriate for formal writing, as slang is typically associated with informal or colloquial language.