ncome refers to ___________ received

Sources of income include __________, ________, __________ and _________.

Wages/ Salary

Set amounts that _______ receive as _________ for their work.

_______ are calculated on hours _______.

A ________ is calculated as an ________ figure and then divided up into __________ periods.

Income refers to money received.

Sources of income include wages, salary, investments, and business profits.

Wages/Salary are set amounts that individuals receive as payment for their work. Wages are calculated based on hours worked. Salary is calculated as an annual figure and then divided up into periodic payments.

Income refers to money received.

Sources of income include wages/salary, investments, rent, and self-employment.

Wages/salary are set amounts that individuals receive as compensation for their work. They are calculated based on hours worked. A salary is calculated as an annual figure and then divided up into regular pay periods.