What artifacts provide evidence of the existence of Paleo people?

a. Pottery and metal tools

b. Stone tools and large animal skeletons

c. Written records and art

d. Ancient houses and agricultural remains

b. Stone tools and large animal skeletons

The artifacts that provide evidence of the existence of Paleo people are primarily stone tools and large animal skeletons. These items are characteristic of the Paleolithic period, which was a time when humans relied on hunting and gathering for survival. Pottery and metal tools (option a) are more commonly associated with later periods, such as the Neolithic and Bronze Age, when humans began to develop agriculture and more advanced technologies. Written records and art (option c) are also not typically found in Paleolithic contexts as writing and complex forms of artistic expression emerged much later in human history. Similarly, ancient houses and agricultural remains (option d) are not indicative of the Paleolithic period, but are more commonly associated with settled communities and the development of agriculture.