Define comedy in one simple sentence

Comedy is a genre of entertainment that aims to amuse and provoke laughter through humorous situations, jokes, and witty dialogue.

What is the verb form, homonyms for culture clash

The verb form for "culture clash" would be "clash."

Homonyms for "culture clash" would include:

1. Clash (as mentioned earlier): a conflict or disagreement between different cultures or viewpoints.
2. Clash (as a verb): to come into conflict or disagreement, especially when dealing with different cultures or ideas.
3. Clash (as a noun): a confrontational or heated disagreement.
4. Clash (as a homophone, spelled "klash"): a sharp, loud sound, often associated with metal objects hitting each other.
5. Clash (as a homonym, spelled "klaaash"): a slang term that can refer to a particularly intense or dramatic confrontation.

Is the phrase culture clash a verb

No, the phrase "culture clash" is not a verb. It is a noun phrase that describes a specific type of conflict or disagreement between different cultures or cultural groups. The word "clash" within the phrase is a noun, referring to the conflict itself.

Then what is its verb phrase

The verb phrase related to "culture clash" would be "to clash." For example, you can say "Different cultural values can clash when people from different backgrounds interact." In this sentence, "clash" is the verb that describes the action of cultural values coming into conflict.