How would you ask your principal where he lives?

(3 points)

Où habites-tu?

Où habitez-vous?

J'habite à Paris.

D'où venez-vous?

Où habitez-vous?

How would you ask your new friend where he lives?

(3 points)

D'où venez-vous?

Où habites-tu?

Bonjour, j'habite à Montréal.

Où habitez-vous?

Où habites-tu?

How would you ask your sister's friend what her name is?

(3 points)

Comment vous appelez-vous?

Où habites-tu?

Comment s'appelle-t-il?

Comment t'appelles-tu?

Comment t'appelles-tu?

How would you ask where your doctor is from?

(3 points)

D'où venez-vous?

D'où vient-il?

D'où viens-tu?

D'où venez-tu?

D'où vient-il?

How would you greet someone in the evening?

(3 points)

Bon soir!

Bonne nuit!


Au revoir!

Bon soir!

To ask your principal where he lives, you could use the following question options:

1. "Où habites-tu?" - This is a casual way to ask where someone lives. It is appropriate to use when speaking to someone who you are familiar with, such as a friend or a peer.

2. "Où habitez-vous?" - This is a formal way to ask where someone lives. It is more appropriate to use when speaking to someone older or in a position of authority, like your principal.

3. "D'où venez-vous?" - This question means "Where do you come from?" It is not specifically asking about their current place of residence, but it can be used in a conversation to indirectly gather information about where someone lives.

Remember, when asking personal questions like these, it is important to always maintain respect and consider the appropriate level of formality based on the person you are speaking to.