How did the environment of Arabia serve as a form of protection during much of the region's history?

(1 point)

Its fertile oases enabled farmers to grow enough food for themselves and for sale.

Its fertile oases enabled farmers to grow enough food for themselves and for sale.

Its extreme heat and arid conditions kept invaders from attacking settlements.

Its extreme heat and arid conditions kept invaders from attacking settlements.

Its landlocked location prevented traders from bringing in foreign goods.

Its landlocked location prevented traders from bringing in foreign goods.

Its mountainous regions kept farmers from Mesopotamia from moving in for better land.

Its extreme heat and arid conditions kept invaders from attacking settlements.

C daily fasting

B Sunnah

that imams are divinely inspired Muslim leaders

A preach that there was one true god.

Merchants carried the faith to new lands.

Arab Muslims

non-Arab Muslims
Jews and Christians

a relative of Muhammad


Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence. (1 point)

During the month of Ramadan, Muslims take part in
A a pilgrimage
B a period of silence
C daily fasting
D religious feasting , which is one of the Five Pillars of Islam.