Jerry earned $16 doing his chores last week. On Monday, he bought a football that cost $11. Which number is the additive inverse of the amount of money Jerry has left?


A −11−11

B −5−5

C 1616

D 5

To find the additive inverse of a number, we simply change its sign.

Jerry has $16 left after buying the football.

The additive inverse of $16 is -$16, or simply written as -16.

Therefore, the correct answer is C) 16.

To find the additive inverse of the amount of money Jerry has left, we need to determine how much money Jerry has left after buying the football.

Jerry earned $16 and spent $11 on Monday. The amount of money Jerry has left is obtained by subtracting the cost of the football from his earnings:

$16 - $11 = $5

The additive inverse of $5 is its negative form, which is represented by the symbol "-".

Therefore, the additive inverse of the amount of money Jerry has left is:

D) -5