Which of the following statements are valid steps in the scientific method? Select all that apply.(4 points)


Evaluate results

Check the internet for previous experiments

Form a hypothesis

Verify the question

Form a hypothesis

Verify the question

Which of the following statements are valid steps in the scientific method? Select all that apply.(4 points)


Evaluate results
Evaluate results

Check the internet for previous experiments
Check the internet for previous experiments

Form a hypothesis
Form a hypothesis

Verify the question

All of the statements are valid steps in the scientific method.

The valid steps in the scientific method are:

- Form a hypothesis
- Verify the question
- Evaluate results

Checking the internet for previous experiments is not a step in the scientific method.

To determine which of the following statements are valid steps in the scientific method, we need to understand what the scientific method is and what its steps are. The scientific method is a systematic approach used by scientists to answer questions and solve problems. The typical steps of the scientific method include:

1. Identify the question or problem: This is where the researcher identifies a specific question or problem to investigate.

2. Conduct background research: This step involves gathering information and understanding previous experiments or studies conducted related to the question or problem.

3. Formulate a hypothesis: A hypothesis is an educated guess or prediction about the possible answer to the question or problem. It is formulated based on the existing knowledge and research.

4. Design and conduct an experiment: This step involves planning and implementing an experiment to test the hypothesis. The experiment should be designed in a way that can yield reliable and valid results.

5. Collect and analyze data: In this step, the researcher gathers data by conducting the experiment and analyzes it to draw conclusions.

6. Evaluate results: Once the data is analyzed, the researcher evaluates the results to determine whether they support or reject the hypothesis.

7. Draw conclusions and report findings: Based on the results and evaluation, the researcher draws conclusions about the hypothesis and reports the findings in a scientific format.

Now, let's evaluate each statement in the question and determine if it is a valid step in the scientific method:

- Evaluate results: This is a valid step as it involves analyzing and assessing the results of an experiment to draw conclusions.

- Check the internet for previous experiments: While conducting background research is a valid step, simply checking the internet for previous experiments may not be sufficient. It is important to conduct a thorough literature search using credible sources, including scientific journals and publications, to gather relevant information about previous experiments.

- Form a hypothesis: This is a valid step as it involves creating an educated guess or prediction about the possible answer to the question or problem being investigated.

- Verify the question: Although it is important to clearly define and understand the question or problem being investigated, the step of "verifying" the question is not explicitly included in the typical scientific method. However, it can be considered as part of the initial step of identifying the question or problem.

Based on the evaluation, the valid steps in the scientific method are: Evaluate results, Form a hypothesis, and Verify the question.