Pizza costs $1.50 per slice. Use a table and an equation to represent the relationship between the number of slices of pizza bought and the total cost.

Number of Slices of Pizza | Total Cost

1 | $1.50
2 | $3.00
3 | $4.50
4 | $6.00
5 | $7.50

Equation: Total Cost = $1.50 * Number of Slices of Pizza

To represent the relationship between the number of slices of pizza bought and the total cost, we can use a table and an equation.

Number of Slices (x) | Total Cost (y)
1 | $1.50
2 | $3.00
3 | $4.50
... | ...
n | $1.50 * n

Let's represent the number of slices as x and the total cost as y. The equation that represents the relationship is:

y = 1.50 * x

In this equation, "x" represents the number of slices, and "1.50 * x" represents the total cost of the given number of slices.