The Scarlet Ibis write about the rites of passage that individuals in the selections confront. Provide evidence by including names of characters as well as specific details from the text to support your claim?

In the short story "The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurst, several characters go through rites of passage that shape their identities and mark their transitions from one stage of life to another. The central figure, Doodle, faces the most significant rites of passage, while other characters also experience their own transformative moments.

One of the main rites of passage Doodle encounters is his physical development and his attempts to overcome his disabilities. From the beginning, it is clear that Doodle's physical condition hinders his ability to walk and keep up with his brother, the narrator. However, with the help and encouragement of his brother, Doodle manages to learn how to walk. The narrative mentions that "with his tiny fists clenched, [Doodle took] his first faltering steps" and that "He walked only because I was ashamed of having a crippled brother" (Hurst). These passages demonstrate how Doodle's determination and the pressure to conform to societal norms push him to reach this significant milestone.

Furthermore, Doodle's desire to please his brother leads him to complete another important rite of passage: his ability to run. In an effort to show his brother that he can do all the things a normal child can, Doodle is motivated to learn to run. The text points out that "I began to make him run, to swim, to skip, to climb trees, and to fight" and eventually, "he ran faster than I did" (Hurst). These moments show how Doodle's determination to meet his brother's expectations and gain his approval leads him to achieve feats that were previously unthinkable for him.

Additionally, Doodle also experiences a spiritual and emotional rite of passage towards the end of the story. After the death of the scarlet ibis, a bird that symbolizes both Doodle's unique persona and fragility, he is stunned by the realization that his actions of pushing Doodle beyond his limits were selfish and cruel. As Doodle's lifeless body lies on the ground, the narrator reflects, "They did not know that I did it for myself; that pride, whose slave I was, spoke to me louder than all their voices, and that Doodle walked only because I was ashamed of having a crippled brother" (Hurst). This moment marks a turning point for the narrator, a rite of passage where he acknowledges his own flaws and the consequences of his actions, leading to a deep sense of regret and remorse.

In conclusion, "The Scarlet Ibis" portrays multiple rites of passage that individuals, especially Doodle, confront. Doodle's physical and emotional development, driven by both the desire to fit into society's expectations and the pressure to please his brother, reveals his transformative journey. Through specific details and character traits, the story emphasizes the importance of these rites of passage in forming identities and shaping individuals' relationships with themselves and others.

In "The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurst, the author explores the theme of rites of passage through the experiences of the main characters, namely Brother (the narrator) and Doodle (Brother's younger brother).

One example of a rite of passage occurs when Brother teaches Doodle how to walk. At the beginning of the story, Doodle is unable to walk due to his weak physical condition. However, Brother is determined to make him "normal" and pushes him to overcome his limitations. Brother's motivation to teach Doodle to walk is shown when he says, "I did not know then that pride is a wonderful, terrible thing, a seed that bears two vines, life and death" (Hurst). This quote highlights the significance of Brother's desire for Doodle to achieve a rite of passage by walking, even though it potentially comes with negative consequences.

Furthermore, another significant rite of passage occurs during the day of the storm. Brother and Doodle decide to go to Horsehead Landing, but a major storm abruptly occurs. The boys attempt to outrun the storm, resulting in Doodle's exhaustion and eventual demise. This heartbreaking event represents a rite of passage for both characters. For Brother, it marks the loss of his innocence, as he realizes the devastating impact of his pride and selfishness. For Doodle, it represents his brief moment of freedom and independence before ultimately succumbing to his physical limitations.

In conclusion, "The Scarlet Ibis" vividly portrays the rites of passage experienced by Brother and Doodle. The story highlights their struggle to conform to societal expectations, particularly regarding physical abilities, and the tragic consequences that result from these pressures.