which of the following was one important contribution made by Benjamin Franklin during the constitutional convention?

a. he called for an end to the articles of confederation.
b. He is known as the primary author of the US Constitution.
c. He made a plea to delegates to accept the US Constitution.
d. He was the mastermind behind the great compromise

d. He was the mastermind behind the great compromise.

The correct answer is d. He was the mastermind behind the great compromise.

Benjamin Franklin played a significant role during the Constitutional Convention in 1787. One key contribution he made was being the mastermind behind the great compromise. This compromise, also known as the Connecticut Compromise, resolved the conflict between the large and small states over the representation in the legislative branch. Franklin proposed a bicameral legislature, with one house based on population (House of Representatives) and the other with equal representation for each state (Senate). This compromise helped to bridge the gap between the states and was crucial in the formation of the United States Constitution.