The detail on p. 199, in "Of Wolves and Men," that describes how the wolf's fur carries seeds to be dispersed along his trail reveals...

(1 point)

the author’s perspective on events.
the author’s perspective on events.

the wolf’s perspective on events.
the wolf’s perspective on events.

the wolf’s prey’s perspective on even

The detail on p. 199, in "Of Wolves and Men," that describes how the wolf's fur carries seeds to be dispersed along his trail reveals the wolf's perspective on events.

Which word is the best synonym for undistinguished?

(1 point)




Based on the given information, the detail on page 199 in "Of Wolves and Men" that describes how the wolf's fur carries seeds to be dispersed along his trail reveals the wolf's perspective on events.

To find the answer to this question, you will need to refer to the book "Of Wolves and Men" by Barry Holstun Lopez. Specifically, you need to locate the detail on page 199 that describes how the wolf's fur carries seeds to be dispersed along his trail. By reading this detail, you can determine what it reveals.