
use distubutive property

To use the distributive property, you need to multiply the terms inside the parenthesis by the number outside the parenthesis. However, there doesn't seem to be any parenthesis in the expression 3x+4y-5x.

If you meant to write it as (3x+4y)-5x, then you can distribute the -5x as follows:

(3x + 4y) - 5x
= 3x + 4y - 5x

To combine like terms, you can combine the x terms:

3x - 5x + 4y = -2x + 4y

To simplify the expression 3x + 4y - 5x using the distributive property, you'll need to factor out the common terms.

First, let's identify the like terms, the terms that have the same variable or variables raised to the same power.

The like terms in the expression are 3x and -5x.

We can factor out an x from both these terms:

3x - 5x = (3 - 5)x

Simplifying gives:


So, using the distributive property, 3x + 4y - 5x simplifies to -2x + 4y.