What is the quotient of −5/9÷1/5? Write the answer as a mixed number.

To divide fractions, you need to multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.

The reciprocal of 1/5 is 5/1.

So, -5/9 ÷ 1/5 = -5/9 * 5/1

To multiply fractions, you simply multiply the numerators together and the denominators together.

(-5 * 5) / (9 * 1) = -25 / 9

Since the numerator is larger than the denominator, the answer is an improper fraction.

To convert it to a mixed number, divide the numerator by the denominator:

-25 ÷ 9 = -2 remainder 7

So, the quotient is -2 7/9.

To find the quotient of two fractions, you need to divide the numerator of the first fraction by the numerator of the second fraction and divide the denominator of the first fraction by the denominator of the second fraction.

Let's calculate the quotient:
−5/9 ÷ 1/5 = (-5/9) * (5/1)

Multiply the numerators together: -5 * 5 = -25
Multiply the denominators together: 9 * 1 = 9

So the quotient is -25/9.

To convert this improper fraction to a mixed number, divide the numerator (-25) by the denominator (9):

-25 ÷ 9 = -2 remainder 7

Therefore, the mixed number representation of the quotient is -2 7/9.