who was involved in Georgia becoming a Royal Colony after the Charter ends

After the charter for the colony of Georgia expired in 1752, several individuals played important roles in Georgia becoming a royal colony. These include:

1. James Habersham: Habersham was a prominent merchant and politician who became the de facto leader of the Georgia colony after the charter ended. He advocated for Georgia to become a royal colony, as he believed it would provide the colony with more stability and security.

2. Henry Ellis: Ellis was appointed as the first Royal Governor of Georgia in 1757. He played a crucial role in implementing British policies and asserting royal control over the colony.

3. James Wright: Wright succeeded Henry Ellis as the Royal Governor of Georgia in 1760. He continued Ellis's work of strengthening royal authority and implementing British policies. Wright's leadership during the American Revolution also played a significant role in maintaining British control over Georgia until the colony finally became part of the United States.

4. The British Crown: Ultimately, it was the British Crown, represented by King George II and later King George III, that decided to convert Georgia from a charter colony to a royal colony. The crown believed that a royal colony would be more successfully governed and would promote British interests in the region.

summarize it

and what happened in this event?

After the charter for the Georgia colony expired in 1752, several individuals played a role in the transition to a royal colony. Here are the key figures involved:

1. King George II: As the ruling monarch of Britain at the time, King George II made the decision to revoke Georgia's charter and take direct control over the colony.

2. Trustees of Georgia: The Trustees were a group of philanthropists who were initially granted the charter to establish and govern the Georgia colony. However, they faced numerous challenges in their attempts to establish a successful colony, and by the time the charter expired, they willingly relinquished control to the Crown.

3. John Reynolds: John Reynolds was appointed as the first Royal Governor of Georgia after the charter expired. He played a crucial role in overseeing the transition from a proprietary colony to a royal colony, implementing certain changes and regulations to align with the new governance structure.

4. James Wright: James Wright succeeded John Reynolds as the Royal Governor of Georgia in 1760. He is often credited with stabilizing the colony and fostering its growth during his tenure.

These individuals, along with the British government, played significant roles in the transition of Georgia from a proprietary colony governed by trustees to a royal colony directly ruled by the Crown.