Which best illustrates the Socratic method

The Socratic method is a teaching technique that involves a series of questions and answers to stimulate critical thinking and encourage the exchange of ideas. Here are some steps that illustrate the Socratic method:

1. Pose a question: The Socratic method begins with the teacher asking a thought-provoking question about a particular topic or concept.

2. Ask for definitions and examples: The teacher then encourages students to provide definitions or examples related to the question, encouraging them to think deeply about the topic.

3. Challenge assumptions: The teacher may identify any assumptions or preconceived notions made by the students and challenge them, pushing for a more nuanced understanding.

4. Encourage reasoning: The teacher further prompts the students to provide reasoning and evidence to support their answers, pushing them to think critically and defend their ideas.

5. Foster dialogue: The Socratic method encourages a dialogue between the teacher and the students, as well as among the students themselves, allowing for a free exchange of ideas and perspectives.

6. Refocus the discussion: If the discussion strays or becomes unfocused, the teacher may redirect the conversation back to the main question, ensuring that the learning objectives are met.

7. Allow for unanswered questions: Sometimes, the Socratic method can delve into complex topics where there may not be a clear-cut answer. In such cases, the teacher may highlight the ambiguity and encourage further exploration and discussion among the students.

A teacher posing a series of questions to guide students towards discovering the answer to a problem.