Which of the following is not on the high Archie of needs

The concept of "high Archie of needs" is unclear. It seems like a typographical error or a misunderstanding. The correct term is "hierarchy of needs," which is a theory proposed by psychologist Abraham Maslow.

In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the five levels are:
1. Physiological needs (such as food, water, shelter, sleep)
2. Safety needs (personal security, employment, resources)
3. Love and belongingness needs (friendship, intimacy, family)
4. Esteem needs (self-esteem, confidence, respect from others)
5. Self-actualization needs (creativity, problem-solving, personal growth)

Given this information, it is not possible to determine which specific option would not be on the hierarchy of needs, as the options are not provided. If you provide further information or options, I can help identify the one that does not align with Maslow's theory.

It seems there may be a typo, as the term "high Archie of needs" is not recognized. If you meant to ask about "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs," which is a theory in psychology, then I can provide information on that. However, if you meant something else, please provide more clarification so I can assist you better.