1. A letter is chosen at random from the word PROBABILITY.

What is the probability that the letter is:
7.1 a letter B?

7.2 a vowel?

7.3 a letter E?

7.1 The probability of choosing the letter B is 1/11, as there is only one letter B out of a total of 11 letters in the word PROBABILITY.

7.2 The vowels in the word PROBABILITY are O, A, and I. Therefore, the probability of choosing a vowel is 3/11.

7.3 The probability of choosing the letter E is 2/11, as there are two letter E's out of a total of 11 letters in the word PROBABILITY.

7.1 To find the probability of choosing the letter B, we need to determine how many ways we can choose the letter B and divide it by the total number of letters in the word PROBABILITY.

The word PROBABILITY contains 11 letters.

There is only 1 letter B in the word PROBABILITY.

So, the probability of choosing the letter B is 1/11.

7.2 To find the probability of choosing a vowel, we need to determine the number of vowels in the word PROBABILITY and divide it by the total number of letters in the word.

The vowels in the word PROBABILITY are O, A, I, and Y.

There are 4 vowels in the word PROBABILITY.

So, the probability of choosing a vowel is 4/11.

7.3 To find the probability of choosing the letter E, we need to determine how many ways we can choose the letter E and divide it by the total number of letters in the word PROBABILITY.

The word PROBABILITY contains 11 letters.

There are 2 letter E's in the word PROBABILITY.

So, the probability of choosing the letter E is 2/11.