Explain why the amendment process has multiple steps.(1 point)


The states demanded a multiple step process.
The states demanded a multiple step process.

The Framers wanted to make sure most people agree with any changes made to the Constitution.
The Framers wanted to make sure most people agree with any changes made to the Constitution.

A one-step process would not seem educated enough.
A one-step process would not seem educated enough.

The Framers wanted to follow the same rules as England.

The Framers wanted to follow the same rules as England.

The correct answer is: The Framers wanted to make sure most people agree with any changes made to the Constitution.

The amendment process has multiple steps to ensure that any changes made to the Constitution are supported by a significant majority of the people. The Framers of the Constitution wanted to ensure that amendments were not easily made and that they reflected the will of the majority. By requiring multiple steps, it becomes more difficult for amendments to be passed without a broad consensus of support. This helps to maintain the stability and integrity of the Constitution.