Analyze why Article III achieves the goal in the Preamble of establishing justice.(1 point)


Article III establishes the role of the president.
Article III establishes the role of the president.

Article III establishes the process of impeachment.
Article III establishes the process of impeachment.

Article III establishes the judicial branch of government.
Article III establishes the judicial branch of government.

Article III establishes the time and manner of elections.

None of the responses provided directly analyze how Article III achieves the goal in the Preamble of establishing justice.

To analyze this, one must consider the provisions of Article III and determine how they contribute to the establishment of justice in the United States. Article III establishes the judicial branch of government, including the Supreme Court and other federal courts. This branch is responsible for interpreting the law and ensuring its fair application. By having an independent judiciary, the Constitution aims to provide a system of justice that is free from political influence and bias. The presence of a system of courts and a defined judicial process established in Article III allows for the resolution of disputes, the protection of individual rights, and the enforcement of laws, all of which are essential elements of achieving justice in society.

Article III establishes the judicial branch of government. This is important for achieving the goal of establishing justice outlined in the Preamble because it ensures that there is a separate and independent branch of government dedicated to interpreting and applying the law fairly and impartially. The establishment of a strong and independent judiciary helps to ensure that justice is upheld and that the rights and liberties of individuals are protected. The judicial branch, as outlined in Article III, also guarantees the right to a fair trial and due process, which are essential components of achieving justice. Additionally, Article III establishes the jurisdiction of the federal courts, which allows them to hear cases involving constitutional rights and federal laws, further promoting justice on a national level.