How is the population distributed in South America?

It is mostly confined to the northern half of the continent
It is distributed mainly along the coastal areas of the continent
It is clustered in the interior of the continent
It is fairly evenly distributed throughout the continent

The population in South America is primarily distributed along the coastal areas of the continent. This is because many major cities and economic centers are located on or near the coast, such as Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Buenos Aires, Lima, and Santiago. The coastal regions offer more favorable conditions for settlement, including access to ports, fertile lands, and greater economic opportunities. However, there are also significant populations in the interior of the continent, particularly in countries like Brazil, Peru, and Colombia, where there are major urban centers and development projects. Overall, while the population is concentrated along the coast, it is fairly evenly distributed throughout the continent.

What was the African diaspora?

a the multiculturalism of African American colonies in the New World
b the dispersion of Africans during and after the trans-Atlantic slave trade
c the assimilation of African culture into that of the United States
d the transporting of Africans to the New World for slave labor

The correct answer is b) the dispersion of Africans during and after the trans-Atlantic slave trade. The African diaspora refers to the forced migration and scattering of Africans across different parts of the world, particularly the Americas, during the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Millions of Africans were captured and transported to the New World as slaves, creating African communities and their descendants in various countries in the Americas, including the United States, Brazil, Jamaica, Haiti, and many others. The African diaspora has had a profound impact on the cultural, social, economic, and political aspects of these regions and has contributed to the development of African American, Afro-Latinx, and Afro-Caribbean cultures.

In which of the following would the majority of South Americans worship?

a synagogue
b church
c temple
d mosque

The correct answer is b) church. The majority of South Americans worship in churches, as the predominant religion in the region is Christianity, particularly Roman Catholicism. Throughout South America, there are numerous churches, cathedrals, and religious institutions representing various Christian denominations, including Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox churches. While there are also smaller populations of practitioners of other religions such as Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism in South America, the majority of the population identifies with Christianity and therefore worship in churches.

The process by which one group takes on the cultural and other traits of a larger group is called _______.


The correct answer is b) assimilation. Assimilation refers to the process by which a smaller or subordinate group adopts the cultural and other characteristics of a larger or dominant group. It typically involves the minority group adopting the language, customs, behaviors, and values of the majority group, often resulting in the loss or dilution of their own cultural practices. This process can occur voluntarily or involuntarily, as a result of social pressure, political policies, or economic factors. Integration, on the other hand, refers to the process of incorporating different groups into a larger society while respecting and preserving their distinct cultures. Pluralism refers to a state or society that consists of multiple cultural or ethnic groups coexisting and maintaining their distinct identities.

How did the Amazonian village of Pangayacu support itself before Ecotourism?

logging trees from the rain forest
hunting and gathering from the rain forest
growing crops on cleared land
fishing in the Pangayacu River

Before the advent of ecotourism, the Amazonian village of Pangayacu primarily relied on hunting and gathering from the rainforest for their sustenance. The villagers relied on the rich biodiversity of the Amazon rainforest for hunting animals for meat, gathering fruits, nuts, and other edible plants, as well as fishing in the nearby Pangayacu River for fish and other aquatic resources. This traditional subsistence lifestyle was deeply connected to the natural resources of the rainforest, which provided the necessary sustenance for the community's survival.

How did the Amazonian village of Pangayacu support itself before Ecotourism?

a logging trees from the rain forest
b hunting and gathering from the rain forest
c growing crops on cleared land
d fishing in the Pangayacu River