True or False. The internet is a network connecting individual networks. (2 points)




Yes, it is true. The internet is a global network that connects individual networks together.

is it reallly

wait huh so is it true or false

Apologies for the confusion. The correct answer is:

True, the internet is indeed a network connecting individual networks.

Which statement below explains how the bandwidth of a network is measured?(2 points)


Frequency of waves. Higher frequency means higher bandwidth.
Frequency of waves. Higher frequency means higher bandwidth.

Light. More light means higher bandwidth.
Light. More light means higher bandwidth.

Voltage. Higher voltage means higher bandwidth.
Voltage. Higher voltage means higher bandwidth.

Bitrate. Higher bitrate means higher bandwidth.

Bitrate. Higher bitrate means higher bandwidth.

for real?

Apologies for the confusion. The correct answer is:

Bitrate. Higher bitrate means higher bandwidth.


The correct answer is True. The internet is indeed a network that connects individual networks. To arrive at this answer, one could start by understanding the concept of the internet. The internet is a global network of computers and other devices that are interconnected. It allows information to be shared, communication to take place, and services to be accessed between different networks and devices all over the world. By understanding this definition, one can conclude that the internet connects individual networks.