a network system's software components

The most popular kind of networking software is protocols, which explain to network devices how to join to the network and communicate with one another. hardware
Ethernet repeaters, modems, routers, and network switches are examples of network equipment. Hardware is the basis of a network system.
media relationships
The medium used to connect the network's nodes varies depending on the type of network. Without connections, a network cannot function.
client devices
Client devices are the computers and mobile phones that are connected to the network. It makes access easier.
All these things are necessary to run a workshop on network system design within the organisation.
the linkage between related fields and network systems.
Network systems can be divided into two groups:
When communicating peer-to-peer, each computer sends and receives data to every device directly. There is no main server. The TCP/IP protocol is used.
Each computer transmits data through a shared network via a computer that is centrally controlled. Common names for this type of computer include "Server" and "Print Server." Its duty is to control how each print job is printed.
The operation of a workshop requires the cooperation of many components.
As part of the requirements analysis, list the requirements for each component or
related area presented in the exhibit. Include the following components or network
B. Network systems and related network traffic.

Requirements for network systems and related network traffic in the workshop would include:

1. Protocol compatibility: The network systems should support and be compatible with various protocols such as TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, etc.

2. Scalability: The network systems should be able to accommodate a growing number of devices and users without a significant impact on performance.

3. Security: The network systems should have inbuilt security measures such as firewalls, encryption, and authentication protocols to protect against unauthorized access and data breaches.

4. Bandwidth Management: The network systems should have the capability to manage and allocate bandwidth efficiently, ensuring optimal performance for all connected devices.

5. Quality of Service (QoS): The network systems should prioritize network traffic based on specific requirements, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted communication.

6. Network Monitoring and Management: The network systems should include tools for monitoring network performance, identifying bottlenecks, and managing network devices.

7. Redundancy and Failover: The network systems should have redundancy features in case of hardware or software failures, ensuring minimal downtime and uninterrupted network connectivity.

8. Network Optimization: The network systems should provide features and capabilities to optimize network performance, such as load balancing, traffic shaping, and caching mechanisms.

9. Interoperability: The network systems should be able to integrate and communicate seamlessly with other systems and technologies, such as cloud services, third-party applications, and mobile devices.

10. Disaster Recovery: The network systems should have backup and recovery mechanisms in place to minimize the impact of network failures or disasters and ensure quick restoration of services.

To perform a requirements analysis for the network systems and related network traffic, the following components need to be considered:

1. Network Protocols: Identify the specific protocols needed for the network system, such as TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, HTTP, FTP, etc. Determine the requirements for each protocol in terms of functionality, compatibility, and security.

2. Network Equipment: Define the requirements for network equipment, including Ethernet repeaters, modems, routers, and network switches. Consider factors like speed, bandwidth, scalability, security features, and management capabilities.

3. Network Media: Determine the requirements for the media used to connect the network's nodes. This could include Ethernet cables, fiber optics, wireless connections, etc. Consider factors like speed, reliability, range, and interference.

4. Client Devices: Identify the requirements for client devices that will connect to the network. Consider factors like operating system compatibility, hardware specifications, security features, connectivity options (wired or wireless), and ease of management.

5. Network Traffic Management: Define the requirements for managing network traffic effectively. Consider factors like bandwidth allocation, Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, traffic prioritization, congestion control, and network monitoring capabilities.

6. Security: Identify the security requirements for the network system. This could include encryption protocols, firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, authentication mechanisms, access control policies, and data protection measures.

7. Scalability and Redundancy: Determine the requirements for scaling the network system to accommodate future growth and ensuring high availability. Consider factors like load balancing, failover mechanisms, redundancy options, and disaster recovery planning.

8. Network Performance: Define the performance requirements for the network system. Consider factors like latency, throughput, packet loss, response times, and overall network efficiency.

9. Network Management: Identify the requirements for network management tools and systems. Consider factors like network monitoring, configuration management, fault detection and troubleshooting, performance analysis, and reporting capabilities.

10. Compliance and Regulations: Determine the requirements for compliance with industry standards and regulations. Consider factors like data privacy, data retention, network security standards, and legal requirements specific to the organization or industry.

When conducting the requirements analysis, gather input from stakeholders, network administrators, IT staff, and end-users to ensure all relevant requirements are considered.