2. Explain in your own words one disadvantage of cloud computing or cloud-based app use by businesses. Be sure to include why it is a disadvantage.

One disadvantage of cloud computing or cloud-based app use by businesses is the dependence on internet connectivity. When businesses rely heavily on cloud-based services, they need a stable and strong internet connection to access and use their applications or data stored in the cloud.

The disadvantage arises when there is an internet outage or an unreliable internet connection. In such situations, businesses may face disruption in their operations, communication, and access to critical data. Without a dependable internet connection, employees may not be able to access the cloud apps, leading to significant downtime and loss of productivity.

Furthermore, this dependence on the internet brings potential security risks. Cloud computing involves transmitting and storing data over the internet, making it vulnerable to cyber threats and attacks. If a business does not have robust security measures in place or if the cloud provider experiences a breach, sensitive data could be compromised.

Therefore, the reliance on internet connectivity in cloud computing can be a disadvantage as it leaves businesses susceptible to operational disruptions and potential security breaches if adequate backup plans and security measures are not in place.

One disadvantage of cloud computing or cloud-based app use by businesses is the dependency on internet connectivity.

Cloud computing relies heavily on the internet to access data and run applications. This means that if there is an internet outage or a slow connection, businesses may experience disruptions in their operations. This can be particularly problematic for businesses that heavily rely on cloud-based systems for critical tasks, such as storing and accessing important data, collaborating on projects, or running essential applications.

The dependency on internet connectivity as a disadvantage arises because it introduces a single point of failure. If the internet connection goes down or becomes unreliable, it can significantly impact productivity and efficiency. Employees may be unable to access important files or work on projects, leading to downtime and potential revenue loss.

Additionally, if a business is located in an area with limited or inconsistent internet access, cloud computing may not be a practical solution for them. They may need to invest in alternative measures, such as setting up local servers, to ensure uninterrupted access to their data and applications.

Overall, the disadvantage of dependency on internet connectivity in cloud computing highlights the importance of having a reliable and stable internet connection to fully leverage the benefits of cloud-based solutions.