What prompted the Quran to be written in a simple and veryshort explanation

The Quran was written in a simple and concise manner because it aimed to be easily understood and accessible to all people, regardless of their education or literacy levels. Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, received the revelations of the Quran gradually over a period of 23 years and conveyed them to his followers. The simplicity of the language allowed the message to be comprehensible to the masses and facilitated its memorization and dissemination among early Muslims.

The Quran was written in response to the divine revelations received by the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. The revelations were compiled into a comprehensive book to serve as a guide for Muslims in matters of faith, morality, and daily life. It was written in a simple and concise manner to make it accessible and understandable to all people, regardless of their educational or social background.