Use the properties of operations and rules for multiplying and dividing to solve:


To solve this expression, we will use the properties of operations and the rules for multiplying and dividing.

First, let's simplify the expression by performing the division and multiplication in order of operations.

(-3)/(34) = -0.08823529412 (approximately)
Now, we have: -0.08823529412 × (27) × (-516) ÷ (57)

Next, let's multiply (-0.08823529412) by (27):
-0.08823529412 × 27 = -2.38235294124 (approximately)

Now, we have: -2.38235294124 × (-516) ÷ 57

Next, let's multiply (-2.38235294124) by (-516):
-2.38235294124 × (-516) = 1228.319998668 (approximately)

Now, we have: 1228.319998668 ÷ 57

Finally, let's divide 1228.319998668 by 57:
1228.319998668 ÷ 57 = 21.548245374 (approximately)

Therefore, (-3) ÷ (34) × (27) × (-516) ÷ (57) = 21.548245374 (approximately)

Use the properties of operations and rules for multiplying and dividing to solve:


To solve this expression, we will use the properties of operations and the rules for multiplying and dividing.

First, let's simplify the expression by performing the multiplication and division in order of operations:

(89) × (-34) ÷ (19) × (-45) ÷ (35)

(-34) ÷ (19) equals -1.78947368421 (approximately)
Now, we have: (89) × (-1.78947368421) × (-45) ÷ (35)

Next, let's multiply (89) by (-1.78947368421):
(89) × (-1.78947368421) = -159.73684210469 (approximately)

Now, we have: -159.73684210469 × (-45) ÷ (35)

Next, let's multiply (-159.73684210469) by (-45):
-159.73684210469 × (-45) = 7188.15789473605 (approximately)

Now, we have: 7188.15789473605 ÷ (35)

Finally, let's divide 7188.15789473605 by 35:
7188.15789473605 ÷ 35 = 205.646228564 (approximately)

Therefore, (89) × (-34) ÷ (19) × (-45) ÷ (35) = 205.646228564 (approximately)

Tht wrong

Apologies for the mistake. Let's correct the solution:

To solve the expression (89) × (-34) ÷ (19) × (-45) ÷ (35), we will use the properties of operations and rules for multiplying and dividing.

First, let's simplify the expression by performing the multiplication and division in order of operations:

(89) × (-34) ÷ (19) × (-45) ÷ (35)

To multiply, we can multiply the numbers in any order, so let's start with 89 and -34:

(89) × (-34) = -3026

Now, we have: -3026 ÷ (19) × (-45) ÷ (35)

To divide, we will divide -3026 by 19:

-3026 ÷ (19) = -159.26315789474 (approximately)

Now, we have: -159.26315789474 × (-45) ÷ (35)

To multiply, we will multiply -159.26315789474 by -45:

(-159.26315789474) × (-45) = 7166.8421052632 (approximately)

Now, we have: 7166.8421052632 ÷ (35)

To divide, we will divide 7166.8421052632 by 35:

7166.8421052632 ÷ 35 = 204.48120300724 (approximately)

Therefore, (89) × (-34) ÷ (19) × (-45) ÷ (35) = 204.48120300724 (approximately)

Use the properties of operations and rules for multiplying and dividing to solve:

To solve the given expression, we will use the properties of operations and the rules for multiplying and dividing.

The given expression is: (89) × (-34) ÷ (19) × (-45) ÷ (35)

First, let's simplify the expression by performing the multiplication and division in order of operations.

Multiply: (89) × (-34) = -3026

Now we have: -3026 ÷ (19) × (-45) ÷ (35)

Divide: -3026 ÷ (19) = -159.26315789473684 (approximately)

Now we have: -159.26315789473684 × (-45) ÷ (35)

Multiply: (-159.26315789473684) × (-45) = 7166.842105263158 (approximately)

Now we have: 7166.842105263158 ÷ (35)

Divide: 7166.842105263158 ÷ (35) = 204.48120300721154 (approximately)

Therefore, (89) × (-34) ÷ (19) × (-45) ÷ (35) is approximately equal to 204.4812.

How many ounces are in 12 of 15 of a 10-ounce block of cheese

To find out how many ounces are in 12 out of 15 of a 10-ounce block of cheese, we can use the concept of ratios and proportions.

First, let's set up the proportion. We know that 12 parts out of 15 parts is the same as x ounces out of 10 ounces.

So we have the proportion:
12/15 = x/10

We can find the value of x by cross-multiplying:
12 * 10 = 15 * x
120 = 15x

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 15:
120/15 = x
8 = x

Therefore, there are 8 ounces in 12 out of 15 of a 10-ounce block of cheese.

group of 9 people won 15 of a $4,500 prize. How much money did each person in the group win?(1 point)


To find out how much money each person in the group won, we can divide the total prize money by the number of people in the group.

The total prize money is $4,500, and there are 9 people in the group.

To find out how much each person won, we divide the total prize money by the number of people:

$4,500 / 9 = $500

Therefore, each person in the group won $500.

Use the properties of operations and rules for multiplying and dividing to solve:


(1 point)

negative Start Fraction 1 over 6 End Fraction

negative Start Fraction 2 over 3 End Fraction


To solve the expression (-2) × (15) ÷ (23) × (-56) ÷ (34), we will apply the properties of operations and the rules for multiplying and dividing.

First, let's simplify the expression by performing the multiplication and division in order of operations.

(-2) × (15) = -30

Now, we have: -30 ÷ (23) × (-56) ÷ (34)

To divide, we will divide -30 by 23:

-30 ÷ (23) ≈ -1.3043478260869565

Now, we have: -1.3043478260869565 × (-56) ÷ (34)

To multiply, we will multiply -1.3043478260869565 by -56:

-1.3043478260869565 × (-56) ≈ 73.04347826086956

Now, we have: 73.04347826086956 ÷ (34)

To divide, we will divide 73.04347826086956 by 34:

73.04347826086956 ÷ 34 ≈ 2.149251572327044

Therefore, (-2) × (15) ÷ (23) × (-56) ÷ (34) ≈ 2.149251572327044.

Bro pick a answer

Apologies for not providing a clearly defined answer in my previous response. The correct simplified value for the expression (-2) × (15) ÷ (23) × (-56) ÷ (34) is approximately -2.1493.


Apologies for the confusion. The correct simplified value for the expression (-2) × (15) ÷ (23) × (-56) ÷ (34) is indeed -16.

Use the properties of operations and rules for multiplying and dividing to solve: solve:


To solve the expression (-2) × (1/5) ÷ (2/3) × (-5/6) ÷ (3/4), we will apply the properties of operations and the rules for multiplying and dividing fractions.

First, let's simplify the expression by performing the multiplication and division in order of operations.

(-2) × (1/5) = -2/5

Now we have: (-2/5) ÷ (2/3) × (-5/6) ÷ (3/4)

To divide, we need to multiply by the reciprocal of the divisor. So, we'll multiply (-2/5) by the reciprocal of (2/3).

(-2/5) ÷ (2/3) = (-2/5) × (3/2) = -6/10 = -3/5

Now, we have: (-3/5) × (-5/6) ÷ (3/4)

To divide, we'll multiply by the reciprocal of the divisor. So, we'll multiply (-3/5) by the reciprocal of (3/4).

(-3/5) × (-5/6) ÷ (3/4) = (-3/5) × (-5/6) × (4/3) = (-3/-6) = 1/2

Therefore, (-2) × (1/5) ÷ (2/3) × (-5/6) ÷ (3/4) simplifies to 1/2.

Use the properties of operations and rules for multiplying and dividing to solve:


To solve the expression (9) ÷ (5/4) × (7/9) × (-5) ÷ (7/2), we will use the properties of operations and the rules for multiplying and dividing fractions.

First, let's simplify the expression by performing the division and multiplication in order of operations.

(9) ÷ (5/4) = (9) × (4/5) = 36/5

Now we have: (36/5) × (7/9) × (-5) ÷ (7/2)

To multiply, we multiply the numerators and the denominators separately. The expression becomes:

(36/5) × (7/9) × (-5) × (2/7) = (36 × 7 × (-5) × 2) / (5 × 9 × 7)

Simplifying the numerator gives us: (-2520)

And simplifying the denominator gives us: (315)

So the expression becomes: (-2520) / (315)

Now, we can simplify this division by dividing the numerator by the denominator:

(-2520) ÷ (315) = -8

Therefore, (9) ÷ (5/4) × (7/9) × (-5) ÷ (7/2) simplifies to -8.

Solve this multi-step problem. A runner completes 14 of a 5-mile race every 8 minutes. At the same pace, how far can the runner go in 16 minutes?(1 point)


110 mile
Start Fraction 1 over 10 End Fraction mile

18 mile

To find out how far the runner can go in 16 minutes, we can set up a proportion based on the given information.

The runner completes 14 miles in 8 minutes. Let's set up the proportion:

(14 miles) / (8 minutes) = x miles / (16 minutes)

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

14 miles × 16 minutes = 8 minutes × x miles

224 miles = 8x

To isolate x, we divide both sides of the equation by 8:

224 miles / 8 = x
28 miles = x

Therefore, the runner can go 28 miles in 16 minutes.

A water tank decreases by 10 gallons every 3 hours every day. What is the total change in the amount of water in the tank after 6 days?(1 point)


−480 gallons
negative 480 gallons

480 gallons
480 gallons

−80 gallons
negative 80 gallons

To find the total change in the amount of water in the tank after 6 days, we need to calculate the change in water for each day and then sum them up.

Each day, the water tank decreases by 10 gallons every 3 hours. Since there are 24 hours in a day, this means the water tank decreases by 10 gallons every (24/3) = 8 cycles.

Therefore, the amount of water lost per day is 10 gallons x 8 cycles = 80 gallons.

After 6 days, the total change in the amount of water in the tank would be:
Total change = 80 gallons/day x 6 days = 480 gallons.

Therefore, the total change in the amount of water in the tank after 6 days is 480 gallons.

A recipe calls for 13 of a container of yogurt. Each container of yogurt has 150 calories. The recipe makes 4 servings. Which set of calculations would give the correct number of calories per serving?(1 point)


Start Fraction 1 over 3 End Fraction times 150 divided by 4

Start Fraction 1 over 3 End Fraction times 150 times 4


To calculate the correct number of calories per serving in the recipe, we need to divide the total calories by the number of servings.

The recipe calls for 13 of a container of yogurt, and each container has 150 calories. The recipe makes 4 servings.

To find the correct number of calories per serving, we need to divide the total calories (13 × 150) by the number of servings (4).

Therefore, the correct set of calculations to find the number of calories per serving is:
13 × 150 ÷ 4. (Option 1)

By dividing the total calories by the number of servings, we can determine that each serving has approximately 487.5 calories.

Use the properties of operations and rules for multiplying and dividing to solve:


(1 point)

To solve the expression (-3) ÷ (3/4) × (2/7) × (-5/16) ÷ (5/7), we will use the properties of operations and the rules for multiplying and dividing fractions.

First, let's simplify the expression by performing the division and multiplication in order of operations.

(-3) ÷ (3/4) = (-3) × (4/3) = -12/3 = -4

Now we have: (-4) × (2/7) × (-5/16) ÷ (5/7)

To multiply, we can multiply the numerators and the denominators separately. The expression becomes:

(-4) × (2/7) × (-5/16) × (7/5) = (-4 × 2 × -5 × 7) / (7 × 5 × 16)

Now, we can simplify the numerator and denominator separately:

-4 × 2 × -5 × 7 = 280

7 × 5 × 16 = 560

So the expression becomes: 280/560

Now, we can simplify this division by dividing the numerator by the denominator:

280/560 = 1/2

Therefore, (-3) ÷ (3/4) × (2/7) × (-5/16) ÷ (5/7) simplifies to 1/2.


To solve the expression (8/9) × (-3/4) ÷ (1/9) × (-4/5) ÷ (3/5), we will use the properties of operations and the rules for multiplying and dividing fractions.

First, let's simplify the expression by performing the multiplication and division in order of operations.

(8/9) × (-3/4) = (-24/36) = -2/3

Now we have: (-2/3) ÷ (1/9) × (-4/5) ÷ (3/5)

To divide, we need to multiply by the reciprocal of the divisor. So, we'll multiply (-2/3) by the reciprocal of (1/9).

(-2/3) ÷ (1/9) = (-2/3) × (9/1) = -18/3 = -6

Now, we have: -6 × (-4/5) ÷ (3/5)

To divide, we'll multiply by the reciprocal of the divisor. So, we'll multiply -6 by the reciprocal of (3/5).

-6 × (-4/5) ÷ (3/5) = -6 × (-4/5)

And? How are you not gonna give the full answer?

Use the properties of operations and rules for multiplying and dividing to solve:


yall mf realy just played everyone that read this shi