Use the properties of operations and rules for multiplying and dividing to solve:


(1 point)

Use the properties of operations and rules for multiplying and dividing to solve:


(1 point)

Use the properties of operations and rules for multiplying and dividing to solve:


(1 point)

How many ounces are in 12 of 15 of a 10-ounce block of cheese?(1 point)

A group of 9 people won 15 of a $4,500 prize. How much money did each person in the group win?(1 point)


Just give us a answer

it dont work

Use the properties of operations and rules for multiplying and dividing to solve: (−3/5)×(5/16)×(7/12)÷(−3/16)×(−5/7)

Its 8

To solve these problems, we will use the properties of operations and rules for multiplying and dividing.

Let's start by solving the first problem:

(−3) ÷ (34) × (27) × (−516) ÷ (57)

Step 1: Perform the division first
(-3) ÷ (34) simplifies to approximately -0.0882

So now we have:
-0.0882 × (27) × (−516) ÷ (57)

Step 2: Perform the multiplication
(-0.0882) × (27) × (−516) simplifies to approximately 399.7169

So now we have:
399.7169 ÷ (57)

Step 3: Perform the division
399.7169 ÷ (57) simplifies to approximately 7.0173

Therefore, the answer to the first problem is 7.0173.

Moving on to the second problem:

(89) × (−34) ÷ (19) × (−45) ÷ (35)

Step 1: Perform the multiplication
(89) × (−34) simplifies to -3026

So now we have:
-3026 ÷ (19) × (−45) ÷ (35)

Step 2: Perform the division
-3026 ÷ (19) simplifies to approximately -159.26

So now we have:
-159.26 × (−45) ÷ (35)

Step 3: Perform the multiplication
(-159.26) × (−45) simplifies to approximately 7166.7

So now we have:
7166.7 ÷ (35)

Step 4: Perform the division
7166.7 ÷ (35) simplifies to approximately 204.76

Therefore, the answer to the second problem is 204.76.

Finally, let's solve the third problem:

(−35) × (516) × (712) ÷ (−316) × (−57)

Step 1: Perform the multiplication
(-35) × (516) × (712) simplifies to approximately -12666120

So now we have:
-12666120 ÷ (-316) × (-57)

Step 2: Perform the division
-12666120 ÷ (-316) simplifies to approximately 40105

So now we have:
40105 × (-57)

Step 3: Perform the multiplication
40105 × (-57) simplifies to approximately -2281985

Therefore, the answer to the third problem is -2281985.

Now let's move on to the last two questions:

How many ounces are in 12 of 15 of a 10-ounce block of cheese?
To solve this, we multiply 12/15 by 10:
(12/15) × 10 = 8 ounces

Therefore, there are 8 ounces in 12 of 15 of a 10-ounce block of cheese.

A group of 9 people won 15 of a $4,500 prize. To find out how much money each person won, we divide the prize amount by the number of people:
$4,500 / 9 = $500

Therefore, each person in the group won $500.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

just remember to go left to right

If the two numbers have the same sign, the result is positive.


Note that 57 = 3*19, so the 3's cancel, leaving 6966/323

your turn
