How does a marine iguana maintain homeostasis despite ingesting large amounts of salt with its food

Marine iguana sneeze access, salt out of their bodies
Marina iguanas throw up large amount of salt.
Marine iguanas sweat a lot to get rid of the extra salt
Marina iguanas pass large amounts of salt their urine


The correct answer is that marine iguanas sneeze excess salt out of their bodies. This is because marine iguanas feed on algae and other marine plants that have high salt content. In order to maintain homeostasis and prevent an excessive build-up of salt in their bodies, marine iguanas have specialized glands near their noses that allow them to excrete excess salt through sneezing. This process helps to regulate their body's salt levels and maintain a balance, despite ingesting large amounts of salt with their food.

Marine iguanas maintain homeostasis despite ingesting large amounts of salt with their food through a combination of several mechanisms. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Marine iguanas have specialized nasal glands that help them excrete excess salt. These glands are located in their nasal passages and are responsible for secreting a concentrated saline solution. When the iguanas come out of the water after feeding, they sneeze forcefully, expelling the excess salt from their bodies.

Step 2: In addition to sneezing, marine iguanas also expel excess salt by vomiting. They have the ability to forcefully regurgitate large amounts of seawater, which helps them get rid of the ingested salt.

Step 3: Marine iguanas also have salt glands located near their eyes. These glands help them excrete excess salt by producing concentrated brine, which is then expelled through their tear glands. This mechanism allows them to eliminate salt through their tears.

Step 4: Another way marine iguanas maintain homeostasis is by excreting excess salt through their urine. They have specialized kidneys that filter out the salt and eliminate it in their urine.

By combining these mechanisms, marine iguanas are able to maintain a balance of salt concentration in their bodies, ensuring homeostasis despite consuming large amounts of salt with their food.