Use the given equation to find the solution to the following problem.

The equation 2.85+ 0.40s=c

gives the cost c in dollars that a website charges for downloading songs. The variable s stands for the number of songs downloaded. Find the cost of downloading 36 songs.
(1 point)





To find the cost of downloading 36 songs, we only need to substitute 36 for s in the given equation:

c = 2.85 + 0.40s
c = 2.85 + 0.40(36)
c = 2.85 + 14.4
c = 17.25

Therefore, the cost of downloading 36 songs is $17.25.

To find the cost of downloading 36 songs using the given equation, plug in the value of s as 36:

2.85 + 0.40(36) = c

Now, solve the equation:

2.85 + 14.4 = c

= 17.25 = c

Therefore, the cost of downloading 36 songs is c=$17.25.